Latest E-Book Collection > Biological Science

New Developments in Biomedical Engineering


New Developments in Biomedical Engineering
Domenico Campolo |
InTech, 2010

Book Catagory : Biological Science
Language : English
714 Pages - 48.35 MB

A one-stop Desk Reference, for Biomedical Engineers involved in the ever expanding and very fast moving area; this is a book that will not gather dust on the shelf. It brings together the essential professional reference content from leading international contributors in the biomedical engineering field. Material covers a broad range of topics including: Bio mechanics and Bio materials; Tissue Engineering; and Bio signal Processing * A hard-working desk reference providing all the essential material needed by biomedical and clinical engineers on a day-to-day basis * Fundamentals, key techniques, engineering best practice and rules-of-thumb together in one quick-reference source book

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