Computer Tips and Tricks > Linux

Launch a program from the terminal using


This short tutorial is on how to open  a program in the Linux terminal without getting the application load or log on the terminal. Generally if you launch programs like nautilus or other applications, you can see that the terminal will still be used by those applications to print the log messages. Though the log is good, sometimes they are irritating and they are not necessary.

The quick workaround for this solution is to launch the application with a & (ampersand) in the end. This will launch the application and separate the terminal form it. Hence you are free to use the terminal from there on, without disturbing the launched program.

Example Launch Program

sudo nautilus &

This will open the nautilus in root mode and not log the messages in your terminal. Hence the program will look like its launched separately. Incase if you are writing your custom launch application you can make use of this command argument


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